5 นาที

Omise Monthly Recap - April 2015


Today I would like to give you a short overview of improvements and updates made to Omise Payment Gateway over the last two months: March and April 2015. All of these features are in production and available for use now.

1. Architecture upgraded (March 23, 2015)

In March we made an upgrade to our system, already known to our customers via our newsletter. We migrated our database and servers to a more scallable architecture, which is 8x faster for serving requests. Our database now has 4x redundancy and disk IO capacity.

2. New Transfer API (Withdraw)

We added a new transfer API which allows you to initiate withdrawals from your Omise account to your Bank account. Now it can be done from your server using the API. You can only initiate transfers as long as there is no other pending transfer. It's still possible to initiate a transfer from the Dashboard as previously.
Tranfers API Documentation

example of a 90,000 THB transfer using curl:

curl https://api.omise.co/transfers \
  -X POST \
  -u skey_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxx: \
  -d "amount=9000000"

3. New Disputes API

A new disputes management interface and API has been added to Omise. You can now follow the status of your disputes: Open, Closed or Pending.
Disputes API Documentation: https://docs.omise.co/api/disputes/

4. Improved Dashboard with Global Search and bug fixes

We have revamped the dashboard with a global search where you can query by Charge, Customer or Dispute ID. We also improved the sign-up and change-password pages with an intuitive interface and password strength indicator. Also a couple of bugs have been fixed, such as a pagination issue on the API.

Our API Documentation at https://docs.omise.co has been improved with better description and a global search.
Search Documentation

6. Omise Console

We have released a new tool that lets you have a live console experience with Omise API, developed by our CTO Robin.
Please head to https://console.omise.co/ to try it out. Only your test key is allowed.
The source code is available on our github repo: https://github.com/omise/console
Omise Console

7. Security

We have removed SSLv3 support from our load balancers, only TLS is accepted now, as well as only allowing strong ciphers.
This is the major change in PCI DSS version 3.1, which makes us compliant to this new version just released last month.

8. Demo E-commerce Store using Spree (Rails)

We have put together a sample rails E-commerce store using Spree and Omise-ActiveMerchant gem.
Source code available in our Github repo: https://github.com/omise/examples/tree/master/spree_rails
With this demo you can start selling right away without any coding required, just deploy to your server and plug in your live keys.
We are working to integrate Omise Payment with ActiveMerchant upstream. Omise Spree Demo

9. PHP checkout examples

We have added some example PHP source code with best pratices for implementing omise-php into your project.
It can be found on our examples repository: https://github.com/omise/examples/tree/master/php

Omise Libraries and Plugins

We have upgraded and improved most of our libraries and plugins:

1. Omise-Java v1.0.2

  • Fixed Connect and Read Timeout.
  • Read Timeout is by default 60 seconds, but can be customized

2. Omise-JS

3. Omise .Net v1.0.5

Changes since v1.0.0

  • Cast WebRequest to HttpWebRequest in order to pass the user-agent http header
  • Make ReturnUri not mandatory when creating a charge
  • Add 'user-agent' http header to the request manager
  • Add VersionInfo object for getting the version information
  • Add the refunds detail to Charge model
  • Add the capture method to ChargeService to allow manual charge capture
  • Add service method for setting the customer's default card
  • Fix create customer card exception
  • Fix incorrect assembly version on nuget
  • Fix create customer card error

4. Omise Woocommerce v1.0.2

  • Added Transfer and Balance support
  • Minor bug fix

5. Omise Node.JS v0.1.1

  • Fix nested resource not sending body data


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